The service provided is for the viewing of one property on your behalf at the location & time specified by you (completed below by you) and is in an area that falls outside of our standard area. (These areas are by agreement)
Plesae ensure you have read the Terms and Conditions associated with the viewing of the property.
When making payment you will need to use postcode 4217 state- QLD, Country - Australia. Please put your address in 1st address line only. Our system only accepts the above details.
Relocation Service - Single Viewing attendance
Terms and Conditions - view the Brochure you were supplied with for the full terms prior to payment
- The Client relies on their own decisions and has not made a decision to;
enter into an agreement, lease or contract with any third parties based on any information, representations or warranties given to The Client by RelocateUs or its Nominees.
The Client acknowledges that RelocateUs has no obligation to ensure that The Client enters into any agreements or contracts.
The Client acknowledges that they make all the final decisions and RelocateUs shall not be liable to The Client / or Representative for any loss or damage or injury or death suffered by the Client or any other person or entity [including but not limited to damage suffered as a result of property, personal injury or any indirect special or consequential damages suffered].
You shall cooperate with Us and provide us with any information and comply with all requirements, which are requested by Us in the Quote, or from time to time, that may be reasonably necessary to enable Us to perform the Services.
You will be responsible for obtaining any consents, licences, and permissions from other parties necessary for Services to be provided at your cost, and for providing Us and/or the Supplier the necessary consents, licences and permissions.
You shall not use the Services for any improper, immoral, or unlawful purpose, or for any other purpose other than that for which You inform Us at the time of the initial request.
Conclusion The Client acknowledges that when a Property Search or Tenant Representation services are provided there are variables that could restrict the services being completed, such examples are;
Rental property availability due to market availability and time of year, The Client Budget, Lack of references, Requirement to locate a property that allows pets, Location and Style in the property criteria, just to name a few.
RelocateUs services do not guarantee that a suitable property will be sought; however, RelocateUs will make every effort to locate a suitable match to your criteria list and requests.
If you have requested us to do an Entry Condition Report on your behalf, you acknowledge that the Relocation agent has performed this duty to the best of their ability with due care, however, cannot and will not be held responsible and liable in any form for any omissions, or errors and our report has been cross checked with the real estate agency report supplied. If in our cross check with the agents report ,discrepancies are seen, it will be noted. It is your responsibility to check the report and submit yourself.
- Jurisdiction & Governing Law
These Terms & Conditions and the Agreement to which they relate shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws in force in Queensland and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Queensland.
- Acceptance of Terms and Conditions
Commencement of Agreement is once this fee is paid.
- The Client relies on their own decisions and has not made a decision to;